Happy New Year and Welcome Back for our 2nd semester. We are excited to have our students back in the buildings and in the classrooms!
We have begun the winter season and the good news is that the days are starting to get longer. The bad news is that the days and nights are colder and winter weather conditions are likely. Fortunately, we missed the snow and ice over the weekend, however, we will probably be experiencing winter weather conditions at some point, and as we move into the winter season, I want to take a moment to share our inclement weather policy and procedures.
Student safety is our top priority. We closely monitor local weather forecasts and road conditions when hazardous winter weather is predicted. If we determine that conditions are unsafe for students and staff to travel to and from school, we will make the decision to close school.
In the event that inclement weather requires us to close school, you will be notified through Infinite Campus School Messenger, as well as our District Website and Facebook. We will also share closing information with local media outlets; WOWT, Channel 6 and KETV, Channel 7.
When MVCSD is closed due to weather, Little Reds will be closed as well. All extracurricular activities, athletics, and events scheduled for that day may also be cancelled. We will keep a watchful eye on the weather conditions and make the determination by the afternoon if evening activities will be cancelled.
If we have a two-hour late start, MVCSD buses will pick up the students two hours later than regularly scheduled bus times. If you drive your child to school, you should plan to arrive two hours later than the regular drop off time.
Early dismissal in the afternoon due to inclement weather will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Parents/Guardians will be notified by Infinite Campus School Messenger, Facebook, and local news channels (Channel 6 and Channel 7) if the students will be sent home early. Please review your Infinite Campus account to ensure your current phone number(s) is accurate. All evening activities will be canceled if we dismiss early due to inclement weather.
Little Reds daycare will also close early to ensure all of our staff will get home safely.
We never take school closures lightly, understanding the impact they have on families. Our goal is to make the safest choice possible for our students and staff while balancing the importance of learning time.
As we head into winter, I encourage all families to prepare for the possibility of future school closures and delays. We encourage you to make arrangements now for childcare, transportation adjustments, and schedule changes.
We appreciate your patience and flexibility when inclement weather strikes. Our staff will always work hard to make timely closure decisions with your child’s safety as the driving factor.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached via email at cgochenour@movalleycsd.org or by phone at 712-642-2706, Ext 4.
I wish you and your family a safe, healthy winter season!
Mrs. Gochenour